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When I was in high school, I would wreck my notebooks with multiple layers of graffiti tags, which would start in the margins, and then creep in to cover the entire page. I developed a sensibility towards a very fast, expressive use of my hand, which later easily and naturally translated into brush. I used this style typographically on several projects throughout the years, and even turned it into a signature illustration style. Recently, by repeating letters hundreds of times each with brush on paper, this ad-hoc brush style became Streetbrush.
The style is characterized by a unique blend of urban grafitti meets Asian calligraphy. The font is best used for large titling or signage, as it is extremely detailed and really captures the feeling of a brush pulling ink across a textured surface. That said, the font will also work well for body copy, and includes most basic symbols. The font has some ligatures, mainly for legibility.
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